
Kyodokan literally means bridge road hall. The connotation of "Kyodokan" is hall to bridge the way". In other words, trying to build a bridge between our "art/dojo" and our community. The Kyodokan was started in 1999.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Who is in the picture and from what kata are the two applications from????

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Old Ways -- From an open discussion group.....I would like to think that Kitsui, Kiken and Kitanai - Hard, Dangerous and Vulgar were the ways I have been taught and are the ways (or most of them any way) that I pass on.

This is a response from Mario McKenna from Vancouver, BC and also was a member of the KSL at one time.


We are all pretty familiar with the social and political climate of
Japan from the Meiji restoration to the rise of militarism in the
1920's. It goes without saying that the face of Karate was forever
changed: Standardized unifroms, universal curriculum, new basic forms, emphasis on "moral and mental" development, competition, etc. In contrast to this, from what little I know and have discussed with teachers here, old style training in Toudi involved the three "K"'s -
Kitsui, Kiken and Kitanai - Hard, Dangerous and Vulgar. Endless, self-imposed training on a handful of techniques both in pairs and by oneself, combined with weight training using the old style equipment and impact training on the makiwara and/or kaki-te. That's it. No
systematic or overt instruction in "bunkai" or let alone "oyo"- the terms didn't even exist!

Instruction, was very hands on and if the student was lucky and listening, hints were given along the way. But ultimately this apprentice model focused on developing a strong sense of efficacy in the student as experience is always the best teacher. Hence the need
to test oneself via Kake-damashi in the old red light district of Tsuji or perhaps even go so far as try Jissen.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

RyuKyu Kenpo Karated Enkaku Gaiyo (1936)

By Chojun Miyagi
Translation by San Zinsoo

Remarks: The title in Japanese is "Ryukyu Kenpo Karatedo Enkaku Gaiyo". This essay appeared as a supplementary article in two books, "Okinawa no Karatedo " by Shoshin Nagamine (1975, Shinjinbutsu Oraisha) and "Okinawaden Gojuryu Karatedo " by Eiichi Miyazato (1979, Jitsugyono Sekaisha). Some parts are omitted in this translation.

Original Remarks: This essay was written and prepared by Master Chojun Miyagi especially for the club members when he gave us the lecture "About Karatedo " and its demonstration at the lecture hall on the 4th floor of Meiji Shoten at Sakaisuji, Osaka on 28th January 1936.

1. Preface
What is karate? It is the art we exercise mind and body for health promotion in daily life, but in case of emergency it is the art of self-defense without any weapon. In most cases we fight with our bodies - hands, feet, elbows etc - to defeat opponents. However, in some cases, in accordance with circumstances, we may also use weapons (such as Bo, Sai, Nunchaku, Tonfa, Weeku, Kama etc).

People often misunderstand karate. When they see someone breaking five wooden board or a few pieces of roof tile by his or her fist, they think it is a main part of karate. Of course, it is not a main part of Karatedo but a trivial part of karate. Like other fighting arts, the truth of Karatedo or Tao of Karatedo can be understood and mastered at the ultimate goal which is beyond teachings and impossible to describe by words.

2. How the martial arts was introduced to Ryukyu (Okinawa)?
The name "karate" is a special term in Ryukyu. Karatedo originated from Chinese Gung-fu. We have few books on origin of Chinese Gung-fu, so we cannot conclude immediately, but according to a theory, the martial arts originated in central Asia and the area around Turkey when the ancient civilization was developed. And then it was introduced to China gradually. However, we still another theory. It says that about 5,000 years ago Chinese Gung-fu originated at the age of Yellow Emperor (Emperor Huang)
who built the brilliant culture at the Yellow River basin. Anyway, it is not difficult to imagine that the prototype of martial arts was born by fighting spirit for struggle which human being possess by nature. For example, most styles of Chinese Gung-fu were created by mimicking fights of animals or birds. You can see it from the styles' names such as Tiger Style, Lion Style, Monkey Style, Dog Style, Crane Style and so on. In the age a little later, Chinese Gung-fu split into Southern school and Northern school. Moreover, each school split into Neijia and Waijia. The characteristic of Neijia is mainly softness, and it is a defensive fighting arts. Wudang Gung-fu (Taichi for example) is typical of Neijia. The characteristic of Waijia is mainly hardness, and it is an aggressive fighting arts. Shaolin Gung-fu is typical of Waijia, which was created at Shaolin Temple in Songshang Mountaion, Henan province. And later, in the ages of Tang dynasty and Song dynasty, we can find many Gung-fu warriors at the height of their success.

When we consider how Karatedo was introduced to Ryukyu (Okinawa), we have various opinions without any historical evidence. We have not yet come to a correct conclusion on this matter. There are three main opinions, namely "Thirty-six Chinese Immigrants", "Oshima Notes" and "Importation in Keicho Period". Simple explanation of each opinion are as follows.

Thirty-six Chinese Immigrants

In 1392 (Ming dynasty in China), thirty-six Chinese immigrants came to Ryukyu from Fujian province. At that time Karatedo was introduced to Ryukyu by Chinese immigrants from Fujian province. Oshima Notes In 1762, the merchant ship of the Ryukyu Kingdom was caught in a heavy storm on the way to Satsuma (Kagoshima prefecture now), and cast ashore on the coast of Oshima, Tosa (Kochi prefecture now). Shiohira Pechin, a high rank official of the ship, was an intelligent person. He was helped by Choki Tobe, an intellectual who lived in Oshima. Tobe wrote down Shiohira's interesting stories about the Ryukyu Kingdom. His notes was called "Oshima Notes". The 3rd volume of "Oshima Notes" says "Koshankun, a Gung-fu warrior, came from China to Ryukyu (Okinawa) bringing his disciples with him." According to the Notes, at that time people called the martial arts "Kumiaijutsu" instead of karate. This notes is the most reliable literature on karate.

Importation in Keicho Period
In 1609 (14th year of Keicho period), the Shimazu clan of Satsuma (Kagoshima prefecture now) invaded the Ryukyu Kingdom, and they prohibited possessing weapons by people of Ryukyu. Some believe that Karatedo was created spontaneously due to the cruel oppression by Satsuma. The others insist that Karatedo was not a domestic creation but what was imported from China. I think it is reasonable to consider that Karatedo was a fusion of martial arts from China and "Te" a native martial art that had already existed, so Karatedo was developed remarkably and even today it is still improved rationally and developed. We have a few different opinions on origin of karate, but they are popular misconceptions and not worth listening.

As mentioned above, so far we do not have any definite and convincing opinion yet. Anyway, Karatedo has been developed, modified and improved for so many years.

Karate circles in the past

We also do not know origin of the name "karate", but it is true that the name "karate" was made recently. In the old days it was called "Te". At that time people used to practice Karatedo secretly, and a masters taught a
few advanced Kata out of all the Kata only to his best disciple. If he had no suitable disciple, he never taught them to anyone, and eventually such Kata have completely died out. As a result, there are many Kata which were not handed down. In about middle of Meiji period (1868-1912), prominent Karatedo masters abolished the old way of secrecy. Karatedo was opened to the public, so it was soon recognized by society. It was dawn in the development of karate. In accordance with the rapidly progressing culture, Karatedo was also
recognized as physical education, and it was adopted as one of the teaching subjects at school. Therefore, at last Karatedo has won the social approval.

4. How we teach Karatedo at present.
According to oral history, in the old days, the teaching policy of Karatedo put emphasis on self-defense techniques. With just a motto of "no first attack in karate", teachers showed their students the moral aspects. However, I heard that in reality they tended to neglect such moral principles. So gradually the teaching policy was improved with the change of the times. Now we discontinued and abolished the wrong tradition of so-called "body first, and mind second", and we made our way toward Tao of fighting arts or the truth of karate. Eventually we have obtained the correct motto "mind first, and body second" which means Karatedo and Zen are the same. Those who are engaged in teaching Karatedo in Okinawa prefecture and
outside Okinawa prefecture at present are as follows. (in random order)

In Okinawa prefecture:
Kentsu Yabu, Chomo Hanashiro, Chotoku Kyan, Anbun Tokuda, Kyoda Juhatsu, Choshin Chibana, Jinsei Kamiya, Shinpan Shiroma, Seiko Higa, Kamado Nakasone, Jin-an Shinzato, Chojun Miyagi.

Outside Okinawa prefecture:
Gichin Funakoshi, Choki Motobu, Kenwa Mabuni, Masaru Sawayama, Sanyu Sakai, Moden Yabiku, Jizaburo Miki, Yasuhiro Konishi, Shinji Sato, Mizuine Mutsu, Kamesuke Higaonna, Shinjun Otsuka, Shin Taira, Koki Shiroma, Kanbun Uechi.

5. About Karatedo styles or Ryu
There are various opinions about Ryu or styles of Karatedo in Ryukyu (Okinawa), but they are just guessing without any definite research or evidence. With regard to this matter, we feel as if we are groping in the dark.

According to a popular opinion out of them, we can categorize Karatedo into two styles; Shorin-Ryu and Shorei-Ryu. They insist that the former is fit for a stout person, while the latter for a slim person. However, such an opinion proved to be false by many studies. In the mean time, there is the only opinion we can trust. It is as follows: In 1828 (Qing or Ching dynasty in China), our ancestors inherited a Gung-fu style of Fujian province in China. They continued their studies and formed Gojuryu karate. Even today, there still exists an orthodox group which inherited genuine and authentic Gojuryu karate.

6. The feature of karate
Some good points of Karatedo are as follows.

1. A large place or a spacious area is not required for practicing karate.

2. You can practice Karatedo by yourself. You can also do it together with
other Karatedo members by forming a group.

3. You don't have to spend many hours in practicing karate.

4. You can choose Kata suitable for your physical strength and practice it regardless of age and gender.

5. Without spending much money, you can practice Karatedo with simple equipment (such as Makiwara) or without it.

6. Karatedo is very effective as a means of health promotion. There are many Karatedo practitioner who are healthy and livelong.

7. As a result of training in mind and body, you can cultivate your character and acquire indomitable spirit.

7. The future of Karatedo
The days when karate was taught secretly was over, and has come the new age in which we practice and study Karatedo publicly and officially. Therefore, the future of Karatedo is bright. Taking this opportunity, we
should stop advertising Karatedo as if it was a mysterious and magical fighting arts in a small island called Ryukyu. We should open Karatedo to the public and receive criticism, opinions and studies from the other prominent fighting artists. In the future, we should invent complete protectors for a safety Karatedo tournament [Shiai] like other fighting arts, so that Karatedo become one of Japanese fighting arts. Nowadays Karatedo has become popular all over Japan, where many people study Karatedo very hard. Even outside Japan, Karatedo is popular. There is a man who graduated from university in Tokyo. He is now propagating and
studying Karatedo in Europe. In May 1934, I was invited to propagate and teach Karatedo in Hawaii, U.S.A. by Okinawans there and a newspaper company. Karatedo clubs have been established in Hawaii since then. As mentioned above, now Karatedo has become not only a Japanese martial arts but also an international martial arts.

8. The teaching method of karate
As each person has his or her distinctive character, the muscle development is different depending on his or her muscle use. Therefore, at first, we do Jumbi Undo (Preparatory Exercise) to develop our muscles so that we can practice Karatedo exercises easier, and then Kihon (Fundamental Kata), Hojo Undo (Supplementary Exercise) and Kaishu Kata and Kumite Training. We teach Karatedo in this way. Each outline is as follows.

1. Preparatory Exercise
We exercise each muscle of our body in order to enhance its flexibility, strength and endurance, and then we practice the fundamental Kata, namely Sanchin, Tensho and Naifanchi. We do again this preparatory exercise after practice of Kata to relax our muscles. And we take a breathing exercise and take a rest quietly.
2. Fundamental Kata
Sanchin, Tensho and Naifanchi are the fundamental Kata. Through practicing them, we can take a correct posture. We can inhale and exhale correctly. We can adjust increasing or decreasing our power harmoniously. We can develop a powerful physique and a strong will of warrior.
3. Supplementary Exercise
This exercise enable us to learn and perform Kaishu Kata well. We exercise each part of our body with a particular movement. We also practice with various equipments to enhance our outer whole strength and particular part strength.
4. Kaishu Kata (Kata except Fundamental Kata)
Nowadays we have about twenty or thirty kinds of Kata, and their names are various depending on their creators. Kata has techniques of defense and offense which are connected appropriately. It has various directions of the movements and it is something like gymnastics. We should perform Kata by using power of mind and body in accordance with its technical purpose so that we can learn the principle of untying and tying. Kumite Training We untie Kaishu Kata which we already learned, and we study techniques of defense and offense in Kaishu Kata. Understanding its technical purpose, we practice the techniques of attack and defense with fighting spirit like a real situation.

I summarize as follows. We induce the interaction of mind and body from the fundamental Kata, Sanchin, Tensho and Naifanchi. We develop the spirit of martial arts by acquiring fighting techniques through practicing Kaishu Kata and Kumite training correctly.

A cat and a fox were exchanging views
upon the difficulties of living in peace and safety from those who were ever
ready to take their lives." I do not care a jot for any of them, "said the fox at
last. "Things may he very bad, as you say, but I have a thousand tricks to show
my enemies before they can do me any harm." ''You are fortunate, '' replied the
cat. ''For my part, I have on/v one trick which I learned well, and if that fails all is
lost. ''I am sorry for you with all my heart, '' said the fox. ''If it was not so hard to
tell a friend from a foe in these difficult times, I would show you one or two of
my tricks.

Hardly had he finished speaking when a pack of hounds burst suddenly upon
them. The cat, resorting to her single trick, ran up a tree into the security of the
topmost branches. The fox, unable to make up his mind which of the thousand
tricks he would adopt, was torn to pieces before he could put even one of them
into operation.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Where have you heard this before???

What about the highest level of the art of Tai Chi Chuan? Verse 41 of the Tao states: "The greatest form has no shape." For the Tai Chi practitioner this could be said to be the ultimate goal: a state in which the underlying principles are so deeply ingrained that form itself becomes unimportant. Where the mind leads, the energy will naturally manifest itself in a spontaneous and proper way. In the Tai Chi Chuan Ching by Chang San-Feng he says simply:

Up or down

Front or back

Left or right, one all the same.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

The source of human weakness is internal, not external, hence our journey
should become inward, not outward. I believe that karate, when learned
properly, can be one path which leads to this realization. Captured by the
essence of introspection, it becomes possible to discover the inward location
where all of our battles should be first fought and won before we are
empowered enough to live in harmony with nature and other, hence, improving
the living of our daily lives.

To me this is the message that should be caried away from this tradition and
into the surrounding community.

Patrick McCarthy

Friday, October 21, 2005


(Metal truncheons of Towada)

100 to 150 years old (late 1800’s).
Dragon tail block is used against a frontal kick aimed at your tailbone.
Contains nighttime situations, left sided scenarios, Bo VS Sai and hand VS Sai.
Contains many attention stances. Medium forward stance is the most oft used stance.
The crane stance is used as a training technique; shifting all weight off one leg and onto the other. Balance training.
Punching or striking with both hands is training expedient; in actual application only one hand would be used to deliver the punch.
Small frontal strike is used to smash the forward hand of the attacker (staff).

Kata Sequence

  1. Attention stance with both sai held with right hand at hip. Bow;

  2. Transfer one sai into left hand, kamae-te (natural stance).

  3. Step left into side looking forward stance, block left upper, block right down.

  4. Step forward block left center, step right block right center, step left block left center.

  5. Step right medium forward perform right upper level throwing block (block an upper level thrust aimed at the defender’s face from a staff).

  6. Step left medium forward perform left upper level throwing block.

  7. Step right medium forward perform right upper level throwing block.

  8. Right slide foot and perform a small frontal strike and down block (blocks a center punch) with right sai.

  9. Right slide foot and perform left center punch right center punch.

  10. Left back cat foot, perform a double forearm block.

  11. Step right into medium forward stance perform splitting blocks (block against a frontal kick).

  12. Left back cat foot, connection technique on left hip.

  13. Step right medium forward stance and perform double filtrum strike.

  14. Step back into the attention stance with sai pointing at the ground.

  15. Perform upper level cross blocks (blocks a frontal strike from staff).

  16. Step right medium forward stance and perform both hand upper level side strikes.

  17. Pivot 180 degrees and perform dragon tail block from medium forward stance.

  18. Perform left down block, left slide foot and perform right punch left punch.

  19. Step right at 45 degrees into left upper, right down block kamae. (Searching the dark).

  20. Pivot 90 degrees into left medium forward and perform left down block.

  21. Left slide foot and perform right, left center punches.

  22. Step right 45 degrees into medium forward stance kamae perform right down block and left upper block.

  23. Slide right (back online) and perform right upper level throwing block.

  24. Look to the right side, Step 90 degrees right and perform right upper lever level throwing block.

  25. Slide foot and perform small frontal followed by right down block.

  26. Slide foot and perform left, right center punch.

  27. Pivot to front in attention stance, place kamae on right hip.

  28. Slide foot left into medium forward and perform left upper throwing block.

  29. Slide foot and perform left small frontal, left down block.

  30. Slide foot and perform right, left punch. (A left sided scenario)

  31. Turn 90 degrees to the front and perform…

  32. Look right; step small basic left and perform a left one-legged stance and a right downward sweeping block against a foot jab from an attacker’s staff.

  33. Step 90 degrees and perform right down block, slide foot and perform left, right center punches.

  34. Step 90 degrees left into a right one-legged stance and a left downward sweeping block.

  35. Step 90 degrees and perform left down block, slide foot and perform right, left center punches.

  36. Step 90 degrees (back online) right and perform…

  37. Step left leg back and perform upper level cross blocks.

  38. Step left; step right; perform large frontal strike in rear cross-legged stance.

  39. Step back right into a quasi cat foot (backward stance); hold left sai vertical while right sai touches vertical sai with the point at eye level.

  40. Step left; step right into the attention stance and slide strike right sai along the shaft of the left sai. (Upper level thrust; spirit shout.)

  41. Step back right 180 degrees into square stance; perform left center block and right down block.

  42. Step back 180 degrees into square stance; perform right center block and left down block.

  43. Step forward left into a left one-legged stance (crane stance); perform left high-level block and right low-level block. Probably the most difficult technique in Towada-no-sai.

  44. Step down into a natural stance; return left sai to the right hand; attention stance; bow.

Monday, October 17, 2005

The Strategy of Sowing Discord

Undermine your enemy's ability to fight by secretly causing discord between him and his friends, allies, advisors, family, commanders, soldiers, and population. While he is preoccupied settling internal disputes his ability to attack or defend, is compromised.

36ji VI. 33.