Principles of Karate
Principles of Karate-Do
- Yoi no kisin: mental preparation
- In/Yo: (yin/yang; offense/defense)
- Go no sen/sen no sen/sen: three stages of initiative
- Maai: engagement distance
- Tai Sabaki: Body changing
- Tai no shinshuku: expanding/contracting, gyration of the hips, body mechanics.
- Chikara no kyojaku: using the proper amount of force for each technique
- Kiaijutsu: building and releasing ki.
- waza no kankyu: speed and rythem
- ju no ri: principle of resilience
- bunkaijutsu: understanding of application
- zanshin: mental alertness
- Seishi 0 Chietsu: transcending the thoughts of life and death.